Friday, April 24, 2009

The Vampire Bella

One of the things I really liked about Breaking Dawn was the ending section, after Bella becomes a vampire. I've understood that Bella's unique affinity for vampire life and her special power have become a source of criticism for some readers, who believe her ease in adjusting to vampire life was too "pat" and made for less drama then they wanted from the end of the saga.

I have to say, the main thing I loved about Breaking Dawn was the transformation of Bella. I think her strength and power was foreshadowed throughout the series, so I have no problem with her being an amazingly strong shield. I also didn't have a problem with her self-control; she was the only one of all of them who was prepared for her life as a vampire beforehand, so she was able to temper her natural instincts with thought.

I think Bella was always destined to become a vampire. Edward was 100% wrong: he wasn't some aberration who showed up and ruined her life, he was the one who was destined to bring her into the life she was always meant for.

I'm interested to see what others think.


  1. Bella's evolution seems to be at the heart of the Twilight cycle. She goes from an insecure clumsy child to a powerful figure, but she certainly pays her dues in suffering. Bella satisfies all the classical requirements of the hero; obtaining victory through suffering. Essentially all the positive characters in this story do the same; Edward, Jasper, Alice; all of them. I think for Bella NOT to have been triumphant and strong at the end of the story would have been a betrayal of the truth of the story itself.

  2. I have always felt that Bella never "fit in" with those around her before becoming a vampire, and that the ease of her transformation was just an illustration that THIS was what her life was meant to be. All the years of her growing up before finding Edward were simply preparation for it. Her awkwardness, her clumsiness, her sense of isolation, were due to the fact that she was in a sort of "waiting period" before becoming her true self.

  3. my favourite part was the ending nd how she just stoped hunting when she growled at edward. it was a great way to make bella a vampire to make her absolutly ready before becoming one.
    she was deffinatly made foe this 'life' and i agree she never fit in as much as everybody because she was destined to be a vampire
