Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Moon Photos from Italy

Click on this link to see the most recent photos from the New Moon set.

(Warning: contains image of a shirtless Rob Pattinson in low-rise jeans. Rowr.)

Update: The link now goes to a gallery containing 9 new photos from Italy as well as 26 photos from the Vancouver set.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Character Breakdown: Jasper

I've been thinking a lot about Jasper. I find him fascinating. Except for him telling his backstory to Bella in Eclipse, Jasper is almost never the focus of attention. He is the center of Alice's world, but no one else's.

In Twilight, Jasper seemed to exist so Alice had a mate. We understood that they were "adopted" into the Cullen family, and that Jasper was less comfortable in the "vegetarian" lifestyle than everyone else, but that was all. Even Bella's stay with him in Phoenix did little to illuminate his character; Bella herself states that he becomes distant and remote once the sojourn is over.

In New Moon, Jasper is absent for the majority of the book. However, Jasper is the catalyst for the entire story. His lack of control at Bella's party is the single act that precipitates everything that follows. If Jasper hadn't attacked her, would Edward have left? If Edward hadn't left, would he and Bella have stayed together? Jasper's loss of control was responsible, in my opinion, for the rest of the story.

In Eclipse, Jasper reveals himself to be hiding a great deal of strength and intelligence behind that quiet reserve. He manages to train vampires and werewolves together. He reveals that he is the member of the Cullen family with the most blood on his hands. He has slaughtered human and vampire alike for years with little remorse. Only the weight of hundreds of lives taken, and the example of his underling, makes him realize that the life he is leading doesn't make him happy.

In Breaking Dawn, Jasper becomes a figure of tragedy. In witnessing Bella's transformation, Jasper must realize that so much of his own behavior is a result of his own choices, not the implacable will of nature. He is absent again, for much of the novel, when Alice leaves the family, and when they return it is Alice's triumph, not his. No one misses Jasper. No one is shocked that Jasper left. It is Alice they love and miss, not him. But he does return, and when he does, we have the satisfaction of seeing how happy he is with his family.

His relationship with Alice, along with Carlisle and Esme's, is one dealt with in almost purely emotional terms. We don't get references to them being physically intimate, though I'm sure they are. What we do get from them is the idea that they love each other to the exclusion of everything else.

What do you think about Jasper?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Quick Tidbit from Twitter

I have been dabbling in the Twitterverse, and guess who just joined:

Elizabeth Taylor.

Her handle is DameElizabeth, and one of her tweets was the following:

"Just saw Twilight on DVD. I want more!"

So apparently Liz is on our team...


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pattinson Confirms Breaking Dawn Film

Speaking from Cannes, Rob Pattinson confirmed that there will be a film adaptation of Breaking Dawn, and he will reprise his role as Edward. He says they don't have it on the schedule yet, but they are slated to complete Eclipse before the end of this year.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Moon Official Poster

In case you haven't seen it:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Film Versions: What you can't wait to see

In a previous comment, Joanna mentioned getting to see the Van Scene played out on the screen.

What parts of the sequels are you looking forward to seeing onscreen?

For me, here are a few:

New Moon: The werewolves phasing, Bella's jump into the ocean, Volterra

Eclipse: Edward's fight with Victoria, the tent scene (how are they going to do that?)

Breaking Dawn: Well, take your pick.

I look forward to reading yours!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why Twilight?

As far as I know, most of us reading here are adults (at least chronologically), some of us parents, or even grandparents. We're clearly not the targeted demographic for Twilight, but we're also not that uncommon.

So, to satisfy my curiosity, share your stories here of how you found Twilight, and why you read it the first time. I already know why you read it the second and third and fourth times :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hi, my name is Deb, and I'm a Twilight geek.

My biggest confession: I have two copies of the series. My original series was purchased all at once, so Twilight & New Moon were paperback; Eclipse and Breaking Dawn were hardcover. My copy of Twilight got a grease spot from my attempt to eat breakfast without putting it down. I bought it in hardcover to replace the damaged copy, then, not wanting to hurt New Moon's feelings, I did the same for it. Eclipse suffered a tear on one page during a trip to Galveston; not wanting to wait for tape, I literally drove to the nearest bookstore and bought a copy. By that time, I thought, why not buy a copy of Breaking Dawn to round out the set?

I also downloaded the movie on iTunes and pre-ordered the DVD in January.

Share your confessions here. It's a safe place.
