Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pattinson Confirms Breaking Dawn Film

Speaking from Cannes, Rob Pattinson confirmed that there will be a film adaptation of Breaking Dawn, and he will reprise his role as Edward. He says they don't have it on the schedule yet, but they are slated to complete Eclipse before the end of this year.


  1. I thought they were going to try to finish New Moon by the end of this year. They can't possibly do Eclipse also and do any kind of decent job. Maybe they're trying to do a Lord of the Rings thing and shoot all the films together while everybody looks the same.

  2. *Grace is way to excited and will have to wait a long, long time to be satisfied*

  3. Joanna, you may be right about filming while they all look the same. Since vampires don't age, and the human characters only age a couple years, it makes a lot of sense.

    I'm getting really excited! I hope they do a good job.

  4. New Moon is already slated for release, this Thanksgiving. My understanding was that they had already begun pre-production for Eclipse and would being shooting that later this year. Since the deal on Breaking Dawn wasn't firmed up until just now, Pattinson, Stewart, and others now have other commitments.

    Summit Studios dropped the ball on this one, I think. They should have inked a deal for all four films, just in case.
