Thursday, May 14, 2009

Film Versions: What you can't wait to see

In a previous comment, Joanna mentioned getting to see the Van Scene played out on the screen.

What parts of the sequels are you looking forward to seeing onscreen?

For me, here are a few:

New Moon: The werewolves phasing, Bella's jump into the ocean, Volterra

Eclipse: Edward's fight with Victoria, the tent scene (how are they going to do that?)

Breaking Dawn: Well, take your pick.

I look forward to reading yours!


  1. You already got my New Moon visual, although I am trying to envision the werewolves. In Eclipse, the fight scene in the meadow between the newborns and the good guys; and in Breaking Dawn, Bella's a)jump across the river; b)chopping up the boulder; c)the birth scene; d)the entire first part of the book; e) the entire last part of the book. I've kind of got a thing for Charlie from the movie. Sorry!

  2. Sounds weird, but I really want to see how they play out Edward leaving her... I want to see if they make it as traumatic visually as it was in the book, kwim?

    I will have to think of more later.

  3. Mines the same as Grace, I absolutly balled my eyes out the first and second and third..etc. times i read the leaving scene in New Moon. I really am looking forward to the part where Bella starts to recover from hanging out with jacob so much. It would be interesting to see. In breaking dawn, i want to see when Jacob imprints on Nessie.
